How to speed-up your simulation process
Liquid flow and thermal analysis by Moving Particle Simulation
Language: English
Event organized by

Only video recording is available for this event.
The Moving Particle Simulation is an efficient meshless CFD method that allows to streamline and speed-up the overall simulation process, and to move the use of simulation earlier in the design process.
This brings major benefits in terms of freedom of design exploration, performance improvement, reduction of physical prototypes and development costs.
The particle-based Lagrangian approach does not require a computational grid and allows to simulate free-surface flows, liquid jets, multi-phase flows and heat transfer.
In this event the meshless CFD method is presented using case studies and providing industry insights about the advantages of meshless CFD simulation.
The industrial applications will range from the automotive and aerospace sectors to the food and beverage packaging industry.
The case studies will also provide evidence of the MPS method accuracy by means of validation of numerical results versus experimental data.
Validation cases will refer to temperature in oil-cooled e-motors, lubrication of e-axles, hydro-turbines power production and other.
Introduction to Moving Particle Simulation - MPS
What you can simulate with MPS and advantages
Industrial case studies
Particleworks live demo

Massimo Galbiati | Particleworks Europe
Massimo Galbiati worked on industrial application of Finite Volume CFD for 16 years before moving to particle-based mesh-less CFD. Since 2016 he has been Particleworks product manager at EnginSoft and in 2019 he co-founded Particleworks Europe, the European competence center for the Moving Particle Simulation software Particleworks.
Particleworks Europe is a joint-venture between EnginSoft Spa and Prometech Software Inc.